I’m reviewing YOU, Jay C. Troll King of the Yelp Nation!
Jay C. Reno Nevada…#1 Yelp Troll
UPDATE: This is awesome to report! The Elite Yelper I mentioned before (not Jay the troll), lets just call him Robbie retained a lawyer, sent me a certified letter, and threaten to sue me for using his likeness on my site. No I am NOT making this up. After speaking with my lawyer, I took down his picture and for right now I’m going to call him Robbie The Yelp Elite Punk! I knew when I started writing about some of these Yelp Elite Idiots one of them would try to sue me. I didn’t think it would happen so fast but I am pretty popular in Broward County and A LOT of folks are reading my blog. Just shows everyone how sensitive some of these Yelp Elites are and if you turn the tables on they can’t take it. That’s why Robbie is the biggest BULLY around and I exposed him..HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Why Yelp allows this guy Jay on their site is beyond me. I can’t stand this guy…he is the poster boy for what’s wrong with Yelp. He has been on Yelp since 2009 and has written only 176 reviews. That stat alone tells me he is NOT about writing reviews as much as causing havoc on the talk threads. Writing reviews and interacting on the Yelp Talk Threads tells a lot about someone. This guy trolls the talk threads like a pro. Jay C., along with Elite Yelper Robbie are the two biggest idiots on Yelp. Both of these dudes love to harass, troll, and stalk me on the Yelp threads. Now, Robbie. is a whole other Internet Stalking Bullying Beast which I will write about another time.
You ask what does being a troll on Yelp’s Talk Thread have anything to do with what Jay C. writes? A lot! This dude loves to post little videos that are offensive and are directed to Yelpers he doesn’t like. All of his behavior on the Talk Threads is unacceptable and makes his reviews NOT credible. First off, his reviews SUCK! It’s a hodgepodge mix of non-sense. It’s clear that writing is not his gig. From his profile pictures, looks like flying is more his thing. Which brings me to a point, why Yelp doesn’t make folks post clear profile pictures is crazy. This guy Jay C. doesn’t have a clear picture of himself and his profile is basically nonexistent. He can write garbage and tear up businesses as he floats around Yelp like a ghost. No accountability what so ever. Now if I was an owner of a business and knew this dude, I would not allow him in my place. The reason is simple, you mess up or do something he doesn’t like he’ll run right to Yelp singing the blues. His negative vibe would not be allowed and I would make sure all my servers knew what he looked like so he could be told to leave. It’s a hard lesson, but until business owners stick up for themselves and put trolls like Yelper Jay C. ” The Mystery Man” in their place, you’ll never get the upper hand with this so called reviewers.
Not only do I rate Jay C. ZERO beers, he wouldn’t be allowed to order one either. I would give him a trespass warning in the presence of a cop. If he ever set foot in my place after that, I would have him arrested. LOL. Stay Hungry!
Four beers = Outstanding
Three beers = Good
Two beers = OK
One beer = Needs work
Zero beers= Sucks (No beer is never a good thing.)