Dan I Cook’s 2015 Year In Review

Posted on December 28th, 2015 by

Dan I Cook’s 2015 Year In Review

A lot has happened this year and I can only say that 2016 looks bright. I am going to highlight some personal favorites that have happened in 2015. I am also adding one tragic event that has forever changed my life too. I hope you enjoy.

1. Not writing for Coralspringstalk.com and starting my own blog.
Nothing like being your own boss. I get to write the way I want, post pictures I like, run with my own ideas and promote them. I didn’t get into writing to be a polished reporter who got a degree in Journalism. I’m just a stupid Marine/Cop with some college behind me and a vast knowledge of the food scene in Broward who wants to write for fun. I don’t want to write about politics, crimes, suicides, or any of that $hit. That is some depressing crap and NOT fun. I don’t want to be associated with a blog which promotes that. By far, the best decision I made this year.

2. Not being selected as a 2015 Gold Yelp Elite.
I enjoy writing on Yelp and always will. I do not like the Yelp politics and middle school behavior promoted by some Elites and the Community Manager. Case in point: I wanted to see if I would be selected as an Elite after changing my name by dropping the Cook and placing a clear picture of myself. None of that was a big deal when I got first got involved with Yelp. As Yelp got bigger, it became more of an issue. Didn’t matter…I wasn’t selected. This proved to me it’s just a popularity game and if you question Yelp or call them out on the talk threads you can’t play with their Yelp football. It all boils down to Yelp being a big money making business. Funny, its OK for all these unknown Yelpers to tear up businesses and give them nasty reviews but when you voice your displeasure with Yelp they excommunicate you. After a few years of being an Elite, it felt like having a noose around my neck. You have to kiss the Yelp Ass and go to their events and write glowing reviews of them. Fuck that! All my years in Yelp I can proudly say that I’ve been to only two Yelp Events. I stay on Yelp to balance out the bull$hit reviews, I like/use the application to give folks a true credible review by someone who was raised here and spends money in the community.

my Yelp Elite years are over:)

3. My wife, Allison.
I probably don’t give her enough props for being such a great mother, wife, and friend. I’m a complicated guy. I’m loud, emotional, passionate, needy, and sometimes just a big pain in the ass. She is probably the only person on the face of this earth I will listen too and, most of the time, do what she asks. She is always supportive of me no matter what is going on. She has been so helpful with our blog and she is definitely the brains behind the operation. Allison, you are my best friend and I love you with all my heart. Thank you for making 2015 end on a high note:)

4. Finding the Cinnamon Buns at The Gem Eatery.
I’m so happy I found that restaurant! Just thinking about those buns are putting a smile on my face:)

Underneath this curtain of icing is a culinary masterpiece

Underneath this curtain of icing is a culinary masterpiece

5. Best Frozen Pizza, Screamin Sicilian.
This is probably the best frozen pizza in the world! Lots of toppings and when it’s cooked it tastes like it was made in a pizzeria. Just fantastic!

6. Making beer.
For the first time I made beer with my buddy Lee. We made a Farmhouse Ale which is a Saison Belgian Style. I’ve always wanted to make beer and Lee has all the gear. He has probably made about 7 batches so far. Making beer reminds me of doing a crab boil. One major difference was that everything that went into the beer was sterilize and exact. If you like crab boils and baking, you’ll love making beer! Our beer came out very tasty:)

Fermenting our beer

7. Eating sushi at Morimotos in Orlando.
I’m one of those geeks who watched the original Iron Chef out of Japan. Chef Morimoto was always one of my favorites…His battles between Bobby Flay were awesome. So, I jumped at the chance to eat at his restaurant when the opportunity presented. What sets this apart from any dining experience I’ve had all year was the 15 buck a piece Uni I ate which was flown in from Japan. Unlike most Uni, which is flown in from San Francisco, this Uni had a darker color and almost a smoky flavor to it. Not sure it’s worth 15 bucks a piece, but I’m glad I tried it.


8. Buying our dog, Bowie Stardust.
For 4 weeks straight my wife and I went to Lauderdale-By-the-Sea, hanging out at the legendary Village Pump. We would always stop at this puppy store, too, where there was a Blue Merle Jack Russell terrier up for sale. Cool looking dog with a blue coat and spots! Three weeks in a row that dog was there. On the fourth week, as we were driving to Lauderdale By the Sea, I told my wife if that dog is still there we are buying it. Sure enough, she was there and home she went with us. Even though she has eaten our carpet and wallpaper, she is the most loving dog around. She melts my heart!

Bowie Stardust

Bowie Stardust

9. Hanging out in Downtown Stuart Fl.
I just love that city and area! It reminds me of Ft. Lauderdale in the early seventies…Everyone is friendly and not really in a rush to go anywhere. They have free live bands right on the water and some great restaurants all within walking distance. They even have a free tram too. I highly recommend staying at the Old Colorado Inn…The rooms are spacious and well appointed. The owner Steven is a class act and his hotel is smack dab in downtown.

Sitting at the Boathouse Restaurant looking at the open air stage.

Sitting at the Boathouse Restaurant looking at the open air stage.

10. I am posting this one to bring attention to depression and how real this sickness is.
I’m familiar with this illness but it doesn’t really hit home until someone close to you kills themselves. My best friend, Dan Cucchi, committed suicide in September. This event changed my life forever. Horrible circumstances surrounding this and I still haven’t gotten over this or the anger I have for ‘Cooch’. In the aftermath of this tidal wave of confusion and grief, I’m learning to be a better person and to make myself available to my friends more. In a strange way, his death has improved my relationship with my son, Hunter. My son rarely ever called or talked to me unless he needed something. After Danny’s death and being asked to be a pallbearer at his funeral, Hunter had an awakening. He admitted that Danny’s death was hard on him and that he has struggled with it, too. It brought us closer together. My son calls all the time now and I can’t be happier. Hunter will never know how much his mom and I love him and his sister, Madi. As for Danny, he wrote in his suicide note, that everyone would be better without him around. YOU WERE WRONG! I wish I could have helped him pull thru the darkness. I would have told him dying is easy, living is hard and that I love him. I miss him everyday:(

Me and Cooch in our early 20's

Me and Cooch in our early 20’s

I end with this, life is precious and goes very fast…Have fun, love your family and close friends. Remember to treat everyday like it’s your last and one day you will be right. Stay Hungry!

2 Comments to “Dan I Cook’s 2015 Year In Review”

  1. Toni Lepore says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your creditable reviews, and I look forward to experiencing a few “food fests” you suggest in your article. Thank you.
    My condolences over the loss of your good friend.