Dan I. Cook Reports!
I love gadgets…especially cooking ones! My bride gets annoyed when I come home with some crazy thing I’ve seen on an infomercial. Some of the gadgets work and some of them suck. After recently stumbling upon @foodiefrogs blog, which includes food reviews, but also has different food gadgets and how they perform, I decided to steal their idea and do my own version of Consumer Reports called “Dan I. Cook Reports”.
Red Copper Pan
For my first report I’m featuring the Red Copper Pan. I’m sure you have seen the infomercial regarding this pan. You can cook anything in it and, even if it burns, it will clean up in a breeze. Plus you don’t have to use cooking spray because nothing sticks to it. Sounds to good to be true right? We will see.

Perfect Pancakes
I’m walking around one of favorite stores, Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Unlike most men I’m not ashamed to say I love this store. They have so many cool gadgets to look at it makes it so hard to stay focused while shopping. What do I spy with my little eye…the Red Copper Pan hanging in all its glory. Screw it I’m gonna buy it. LOL. It’s 29 bucks and change.

Sautéed vegetables
Commercial Use
To take the testing of this pan to the next level I asked my friend Sous Chef Mike Brothers from Runyons Steakhouse in Coral Springs and graduate of the Culinary Institute of America (C.I.A.) to use it. His synopsis of this pan was very interesting.
Runyons Sous Chef Mike Mike Brothers stated, ” So, it did its job as I expected. Nothing stuck to the pan as promised, I couldn’t get carmalized onions to stick, and they are a real pain sometimes. There are a few issues though, it does not brown as evenly as other, more expensive pans due to its thin aluminum layers. It does not retain heat which helps food cook more evenly. Also, in a professional environment with day in and day out use, it would crumble. I used it lightly so as not to destroy your pan, but it would never last long term.”

Commercial use by Runyons Sous Chef Mike Brothers
Home Use
This shit is the real deal! I followed the directions and seasoned the pan with a light coat of canola oil at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Once the pan cooled, I wiped it down and cooked some vegetables in it. I didn’t use any cooking spray or butter. Everything cooked evenly and with no sticking. I placed the pan in the dishwasher and it cleaned with no issues. Next, I cooked pancakes and omelettes. Again, no need to use butter or cooking spray. I was pretty impressed that nothing stuck to the bottom not even a little. Just like the infomercial shows, the food can basically slide around in the pan. You can see by my pictures that everything was browned evenly. Very impressive.
The Verdict
Black Friday and the holidays are coming up and you need to buy this pan for the person in your life who loves to cook. No, I didn’t get paid to type that but I sure would like to LOL. This pan gets 4 beers. Stay Hungry!
Runyons Steakhouse Sous Chef Mike Brothers rates it, ” I give it 3.5 Beers. Great for home use, and it keeps to its word.”

Steak and Cheese Omelet

Steak and Cheese Omelet perfectly cooked
Four beers = Outstanding
Three beers = Good
Two beers = OK
One beer = Needs work
Zero beers= Sucks (No beer is never a good thing.)