Dan I. Cook Employee of The Month

Posted on February 6th, 2016 by
Employee of The Month, front

Employee of The Month, front

My Employee of The Month Program is a complete success BUT I decided to add a personal touch to it. Instead of buying shots or giving away my beer stein collection, I bought some really cool bottle openers to give away. I got them engraved (which wasn’t cheap) and will give them out IF you are lucky enough to be my Employee of The Month. I also bought credit card bottle openers too, which I will get engraved. Hope you like them and Stay Hungry!

Employee of The Month, back with website address

Employee of The Month, back with website address

I will be getting this engraved too. Credit Card sized Bottle Openers. Just bought them.

I will be getting this engraved too. Credit Card sized Bottle Openers. Just bought them.

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