Dan I Cook April 2016 Employee of the Month: Kelly M

Posted on April 19th, 2016 by


Kelly M. April 2016 EOM

Kelly M. April 2016 EOM

Dan I Cook April 2016 Employee of the Month: Kelly M.

For almost a month I’ve been sick with some funk in my throat. I went to my primary physician and was diagnosed with Strep Throat. After a week, I was not getting better so I asked to see an ENT Doctor. I get my referral for Dr. Bruce S. Selden and called his office right away. It was 11:58a when I called and I was concerned they were gone for lunch. Thank god someone answers the phone Yay!!!! I speak to one person and then she turns the phone over to Kelly. I was thinking…I hope Kelly doesn’t try and brush me off because she wants to leave for lunch. I would be so pissed. In my raspy voice I tell Kelly what my problem is. She asks about my insurance and the referral from my Primary Physician. I explained everything was sent as “Stat” so I could be seen right away. She tells me to take a picture of my insurance card and text it to her. She continued to say when she gets back from lunch at 1:00p she will call the insurance company for me. Now it’s after noon and I know Kelly is late for her lunch. Never once did she try and rush me to get off the phone. I thank Kelly to death and tell her to have a cheeseburger for me since I haven’t eaten solid food in a week. Kelly laughed and said she would.

At 12:45p I get a call and its Kelly. She said the referral was in and I was set to come in. I hang up the phone and I’m happy as hell. I then realize Kelly was still on lunch break when she called me. I’m like damn this chick really cares about her patients. At that time, I decided Kelly would be my Employee of the Month for April.

I go in and meet Kelly. She is just as pleasant in person as she is on the phone. Once I see Dr. Selden, who is a very nice/professional man, I find out I don’t have strep but some other BS that is worst. BTW, having that “thing” snaked down your nose to look at your throat, SUCKS!

I walk out of the examination room and tell Kelly, in my Barry White voice I’m awarding her with my EOM.  She was very thankful. With that said and without further delay here is Kelly M.

Where were you born and raised?

South Florida

I really like your personality, who gets credit for that your mom or your dad? Why?

I would have to give credit to both. They are both very unique and equally a huge part of my life.

How long have you been working for Dr. Selden and what are your job responsibilities?

I have been with Dr Selden for 14 years. I do pretty much everything short of seeing patients lol

I’m sure it sucks seeing sick miserable people all day at work. How do you keep such a positive attitude while working?

I have always been extremely positive ever since I was little. I don’t let little things bother me and I look at the bright side of everything.

Being around sick people all the time I’m sure you have a ROCK solid immune system. Do you have a special diet or do you just wash your hands a lot etc…?

lol that’s a funny question. You would think I would have a great immune system, but its quite the opposite. Despite washing my hands all the time and taking immune enhancing vitamins I still manage to get sick quite often

What’s your favorite restaurant in Broward County and why? What is the dish you would order.

I would have to say Packy’s. The BBQ teriyaki chicken wings are AMAZING!

I want you to make me a killer tasty alcoholic drink. What would it be?

I wouldn’t even know where to start. I am not good at mixing drinks at all. I think that is why I just stick with beer LOL

What is a romantic evening to you and please don’t tell me watching Netflicks with your boyfriend LOL.

I’m not really into the romantic garbage. I would rather hit the batting cages or go go carting .

Do you have any hobbies and if so what?

Yes, making my dog an Instagram superstar.

What is your favorite TV show and movie?

Pit bulls and parolees. Any Will Ferrell movie.

Last question, you have to live on this island for the rest of your life. Everything you need is on this island to survive. You have running water, food, booze, and all the essentials gets shipped in You can even grow and raise your own food if you wish. You can only bring 2 personal items with you. What would they be and why? You can only bring two people with you too. They can be anyone you wish. Who would they be and why?

My IPad because I love to google things and My bike so I could get around the island. Hmmm this is a hard one….Does my dog count as a person? LoL No matter how little money and how few possessions you own having a dog makes you feel rich.

What a cool chick! She has such a wonderful vibe it’s hard not to like her. I can’t thank Kelly, Dr. Selden and all the staff in the office with getting me back to feeling somewhat normal. Then again I wasn’t and am not normal to begin with LOL.

Hopefully you won’t have to see her in Dr. Selden’s Office but if you are sick and need a good ENT stop by and tell them Dan I Cook sent you. Stay Healthy!


Follow Kelly’s dog @abbythespoiledpit who knows maybe you can catch them at Packy’s in Lighthouse Point.

2855 N University Dr Ste 300
Coral Springs, FL 33065

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