Dan I Cook February Employee of the Month, Bree.

Posted on February 15th, 2016 by
My EOM Bree with GM Jeff Lynch

My EOM Bree with GM Jeff Lynch

Dan I Cook 2016 February Employee of the Month, Bree.

Before I talk about Bree, I need to explain my love for Brus’s Room. I have a been fan of this joint since they first opened in the Peppertree Plaza in Margate, Fl. As a Dolfan, seeing Bob Brudzinski working the dining room and the kitchen was a treat. As a food dude, seeing his business partner Eddie Hauck working his wing and BBQ magic in the kitchen was an awesome sight, too. Eddie was one of the original chicken wing men in Broward when he had his restaurant in Wilton Manors. Unlike the other local bloggers, I’ve been in Broward County my whole damn life…grew up in Downtown Oakland Park so I know my food/restaurant history. Let’s just say these two dudes, Bob and Eddie are legends now.


When you first look at Bree you can’t help but notice that her body is ROCK solid. Then you have the hair. She has short cropped hair and she changes the color ALL the time. Her look is pretty original/cool and I’m sure for some people it could be intimidating. When you throw in her awesome personality and the confidence she breathes it just adds to her mystique. Now when I say “intimidating”, I mean there is no way you would have a shot to date her. I’m sure there are some folks out there that know exactly what I’m talking about. Now, for the longest I thought Bree was gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) because of the rainbow bottle opener she used to carry in her back pocket. Just as any woman who saw an attractive guy and found out he was gay, you can’t help but think “Man, someone of the opposite sex is missing out”. I never asked Bree about her sexual orientation because I didn’t care and it’s none of my business. I later found out she isn’t gay and we have joked about her rainbow bottle opener ever since. I would say men of the world rejoice…but not so fast LOL. Which leads me to this, her bottle opener was my inspiration to purchase my Dan I Cook Employee of the Month bottle openers. Crazy huh? LOL. So without further delay, meet one of the coolest chicks/bartenders in Broward County…Bree!

How long you been working at Bru’s Room in Coral Springs?

7 years.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Making everyone happy.

I’m a big fan of Brus Room, what’s your favorite menu item and drink?

Triple Threat Wings and a Jamison Neat with pickle juice on the side with Tabasco or double fist with a beer and a shot. Beer would be Modelo Negra.

What was the busiest shift your ever worked and why was it so busy? Please don’t tell me it was for a Jets Game..LOL.

Mayweather Fight and Heat Playoff game at the same time in 2013. It was super packed.

You have such a great personality, it must be hard dealing with drunk a$$holes. What’s your secret with dealing with jerks like that besides cutting them off?

Cutting them off is the last straw. It’s like dealing with a toddler. I just let what they say roll off my back. Treat them like kids saying no a lot and yes them to death.

Now some personal $hit, Is Bree your real name or is it a nickname?

Nick name. Real name is Briette

What nationality are you?

Puerto Rican and part filipino.

I’m sure everyone wants to know this, are you single?

No I’m engaged for 3 years.

Who is the lucky person and how long have you been together?

Miguel and he is a Casanova. She was smiling when she said this.

Let’s talk butts…LOL every dude with two working eyeballs that walks in Brus Room knows you have one of the best gluteus maximus this side of the Mississippi River. Is that genetic or do you really have to work on it?

Bree displaying my EOM bottle opener in all its glory!

Bree displaying my EOM bottle opener in all its glory!

Well I’m Puerto Rican so it is genetic. I do enjoy working out doing jujitsu. I’ve been doing jujitsu for over a year and half. I train five days a week and sometimes twice a day. Also rice, beans, pernil (pork shoulder) help too.

Your hair…you are always changing the color. Who does your hair and what motivates you to change the color?

Jennifer Henry is my hairdresser for almost 10 years. She works at Pink Ponytail in Coral Springs. She cuts my hair, I color it.

Do you even have a favorite hair color?

I like them all because I like change. Plus my fiancé gets a new chick once a month. Plus I think my personality changes when my hair color changes.

Since Valentines Day just past, name me two of your favorite restaurants to have a romantic dinner at and what would you order?

Melting Pot. The regular four course dinner.
Rustic Inn. King Crab. Not really romantic, but I enjoy the food there.

Last question, if you could go back in time and meet one person who would it be, why, and what would you say to him/her?

My Brother Ariel. He passed away at age 24. I would have a lot to say because he was my right hand man and I miss him terribly. She started to cry when telling me this.


Cool chick right!? I want to thank Bree for meeting with me for the interview. I know she wasn’t feeling well and she was on her way to pick up her kid who was also sick. You are the best! Please visit Bree at the Coral Springs Bru’s Room and tell her Dan I Cook sent you. Also say hello to the GM Jeff Lynch who is another great dude and a true professional. Stay Hungry!

Employee of The Month, front

Employee of The Month, front

Employee of The Month, back with website address

Employee of The Month, back with website address

Bru’s Room Coral Springs FL.
1000 North University Drive

3 Comments to “Dan I Cook February Employee of the Month, Bree.”

  1. Briette says:

    Thank you Dan for your acknowledgments and gratitude towards the people and places in the restaurant industry. I’m forever grateful to have met you and for this opportunit. Its people like you that makes my job worth doing:)

    • Dan I. Cook says:

      Bree for President! Thanks and my Philosophy has always been, get to know the folks that serve you. Whether it’s a cop, bartender, server, barber, hairdresser, the workers at your local grocery store or your local firefighters etc… Say hello, be friendly without being creepy and it will take you a long way. You are AWESOME Bree!

    • Congratulations to my all time favorite which I am sure you are aware of. Hard to believe it has been seven years.
      I’m sure you received a big bonus for this award. LOL :))